Thursday, January 15, 2015

MMS Video Jim Humble Water Purifier

Have you wanted even more information on Jim Humbles Miracle Mineral solution and how they are using it to get over disease?

Check these out...

2. – 2 small bottles for $25.00

-->”>Alternative Health Products and MMS

-->">Articles on MMS Miracle Mineral Cure">Articles on Wonderful MMS Miracle Mineral">Articles on MMS Miracle Mineral Acne Cure">Articles on Acne Out Break">Articles on How to use MMS Miracle Mineral">Articles on You Can Look Younger">Articles on a Beauty Time Machine

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

MMS - Water Purifier Is Being Used For Lyme Disease

What is MMS? - (now referred to as Water Purification)

The secret weapon we personally used to kill the Lyme disease spirochetes is Chlorine Dioxide and it is most commonly called MMS (Master Mineral Solution or water purification drops). It costs around $25.00 for a years supply. A person might start taking one drop a day diluted in 20 oz of water and divided into 4 or 5 drinks in a day. Start slow so you will not experience a detox reaction. Work up to 24 drops a day for Protocol 1000.
Water Purification

What is Lyme Disease?
Lyme disease, or lyme borreliosis, is an emerging infectious disease caused by at least three species of bacteria belonging to the genus Borrelia. It is highly contagious and can be transferred from people to people, animals to people and back and forth, by all biting insects including the dreaded deer tick.

 The water purification can be purchased at  - Reiki Ranch Store

This book explains Lyme Disease it only 47 pages and sells for $0.99. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium

Why Jim Humble's New Book Should be a
#1 Worldwide Bestseller!
A bestselling book is one that has sold many copies due to its topic, author, or maybe promotion by someone whom many people trust.
A Book About Your Health – Topic
Jim Humble's new book, The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium, is on a topic that is first or second on most people’s list of priorities, and that is Health. Every person in the world deals with their health everyday. Everyone of us, “checks in” with ourselves everyday, consciously or unconsciously, asking questions like “How do I feel?”, “Anything hurt?”, “Do I look older?” etc. We also “check in” with family members each day about their health. Mothers ask their children how they feel, spouses communicate their health concerns to each other, children are concerned about their parents’ health, etc.
We think about health everyday. It is in everyone's life and mind each day we live. In other words, health is a major topic to everyone, everywhere, everyday! Now, after saying all that, The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium is more than just a book about health. It can help you to:
  • Learn to take control of your own health care.
  • Learn to take personal responsibility and not rely on doctors, medications, FDA and others to tell you what you need to do about your health and that of your family.
  • Learn how to take care of all your health care (except emergency and maternity needs) for $100 a year! Saving your money isn't a consideration for the medical industry. There is no money in a cure.
  • Learn how to make the Master Mineral Solution in your home.
  • You can learn how to help others to take control of their own health.
  • You can become part of one of the greatest alternative health movements in the world.
Note: The pronoun, “you” is used so much because unless you see the need for this information in your life, this book will do you and the rest of the world no good!
How This Book Came to be Written – Author Jim Humble
The author of The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium is James V. Humble. “Jim” Humble discovered MMS (Master Mineral Solution) in 1996, in the jungle of Guyana, South America. After returning to America soon thereafter, he worked on perfecting the protocol to be used for malaria. He then spent years in Africa helping tens of thousands of people with malaria, cancer and AIDS.
During his work in Africa, Jim discovered that MMS cured more than just malaria. It was curing cancers, AIDS, T.B., staph, diabetes and other diseases. Hence MMS was called the “Miracle Mineral Supplement” because it was a “Miracle” curing so many more diseases than originally expected. Jim wanted the whole world to know about this treatment that can help so many.
In 2006, Jim’s first book, The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century, was published. It has sold 350,000 copies worldwide in many languages. Millions around the world have tried MMS. Many have had wonderful cures. Jim has spent the last 15 years developing specific disease protocols to be used worldwide. In the spring of 2010, The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, (a non-religious Church), was founded by Bishop James V. Humble with just 6 people. In its first year and a half, the Genesis II Church has attracted over 700 members and 249 Health Ministers in 58 Countries trained to help others around the world. Come be a part of this great movement.
The only requirements for joining the Genesis II Church are:
  • Doing good deeds
  • Healing the sick
  • Always doing what is right
  • Working for the freedom of all mankind
  • Enlightening those who sleep
Note: We are a non-religious church. Please seek your spiritual instruction at the place of worship of your choice.
Some Personal Testimonials – Promotion
The Personal testimonies are more than a casual promotion for a book; they are an example of people taking personal responsibility for their own health and doing something about it. The following testimonials are dedicated personal promotions of a book that made a difference in these people’s lives.
Bronchitis Cured
I suffered with a severe case of bronchitis every year in the winter for 5 years in a row. I found MMS and started taking it at the first sign of symptoms. I haven't had bronchitis in over 3 years now. I take it once a week during cold season just as prevention and every time anyone in our household shows any symptoms of cold, flu, etc., we grab the MMS and start dosing. It works every time. Thanks so much for making this information available.
M. Robinson, South Carolina, USA
Crohn's Disease Goes Away
My son’s girlfriend aged 28 had Crohn’s Disease. Doctors did everything to try to help her. She could eat anything but couldn’t digest it; she was in the hospital almost every week. Nothing helped and we thought we would lose her. Then we found MMS. After one month of taking it, the doctor said she had no more Crohn’s. She can now eat anything and digest it properly. She feels great. She told her doctor that she was using MMS and he said she had better throw it away! Anyway, what a success story! Thank you.
Gene Hutchens, California, USA
Herpes finally gone!
I have taken MMS for 18 months at 6 drops twice per day. I do not have any mouth ulcers or herpes outbreaks anymore! I also noticed that I sleep much better and breathe much better. Though it has not cured me of my fibromyalgia, it has helped. I will try the DMSO with MMS1 very soon for several months. My brother had a bad case of intestinal flu for a week and popped over one day. I said,"Give this MMS a try!". He took 2 drops and went straight home. He phoned me back 20 mins. later saying all his discomfort had gone. So he came over for some more just in case, but he never needed anymore.
Brian Adams, Bournemouth, UK
You can read many more testimonials at
This is the reason why Jim Humble's new book, The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium should be a worldwide bestseller. The whole world needs this book!
Note: Jim Humble receives no money from the sales of MMS. His only income is from some donations plus the sales of books, videos, and MMS training courses.
Where Can I Buy This Book? - Bestseller?
The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium can be purchased in both print and PDF formats at: Jim  Humble's website!The first half is available as a free download.
Please get this book for yourself, your family, and for the world. It will save you from a lot of suffering and expense and may save your life, or that of a friend or family member.
Good Health,
Bishop Mark S. Grenon
Jim's Social Network
Upcoming Seminars
Dominican Republic
Sept. 25 – Oct. 5, 2011
Nov. 20 – Nov. 30
For more information, please contact us at
Costa Rica
San Miguel de Sarapiqi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
  • Sept 14 to Sept 20
  • Oct 20 to Oct 26
  • Cost of Workshop: $950 includes accommodation, meals and certification as a Health Minister of the Genesis II Church.
For more information, please contact us at
MMS Saves Lives!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

MMS and Swine Flu Solution

Can MMS - Water Purification drops help treat Swine Flu?

The news is full of Swine Flu stories from Mexico to China. They were really trying to throw a big scare into the news for a few days, we were bombarded with media stories about the swine flu outbreak and how we may face a global pandemic anytime soon.

What can we do about the swine and bird flu?

Now, as of April 13, 2009, Swine Flu cases were identified and reported in Mexico on April 13, 2009 and three days later in the US and England.

Should we accept what the media is pushing down on us?

Is this situation really so serious as the authorities and media say it is?

How do you feel about all this scare of bird and swing flu situation?

Personally, I think, the most important thing of all is NOT to be afraid, try to stay in the “observer” mode and prepare, just in case, if the worst case scenario becomes a reality. You never know…

You probably already know what MMS is and how it works? Jim Humble's MMS kills all pathogens. It is a great product to clean up the body -- inside out! Yes, you mix it up and drink it! (Start with only 1 drop of sodium chlorite; activate it with citric acid and dilute it.)

NEW FLU VARIANTS are being reported on television and in newspapers with dire warnings that we may face a global pandemic. These new strains could spread rapidly from country to country. Five years ago the SARS flu strain caused numerous deaths primarily in China. Later, in 2007 bird flu variants were tracked as they spread from country to country.

Here’s a quote from one of Jim Humble’s websites:

"MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) is a germicidal agent capable of attacking and killing evolving flu viruses. It operates without regard for the strain or variation that may evolve from time to time. This opinion is based on the chemistry and behavior of activated MMS when it is used according to the instructions below. Unlike antibiotics or vaccines, activated MMS (chlorine dioxide) is pathogen-cidal without regard to strains or evolving variants of Flu viruses - as has been known since 1950. Methods for using activated MMS as a universal flu deterrent will be described herein."

Check what Wikipedia says about chlorine dioxide...

Jim Humble explains "How MMS works against pathogens"

Water Purification Drops (chlorine dioxide solution and tablets) have been on the market for 80 years and most of us have never heard of it. Could MMS be a possible remedy or even preventative measure against this type and many other types of viruses?

The FDA is trying to take miracle mineral off the market -- It must be biting into the drug companies cartel.

What do you think?
Do you think it is worth having MMS?

I would stock up on MMS if I were you. (Note: the miracle mineral name is changing to water purification drops) It is sodium chlorite and when activated with a food acid it becomes the chlorine dioxide -- pathogen eliminator.

The FDA say it is a bleach... Well so is lemon juice a bleach , and so is chlorine they put in our drinking water.